Old School Projects
A couple of selected projects I did before starting my PhD, chosen here for interest.
Bayesian occupancy modeling for the Eurasian Blue Tit in Finland
Using data from the citizen science project by Ebird combined with satellite data, I implemented a Bayesian occupancy model to analyze the occupancy of the Eurasian Blue Tit in Finland. I did it in the Bayesian Data Analysis course at Aalto University. Link to project report.

Protein folding for a three-dimensional toy model using MCMC based simulated annealing
I studied a toy model for protein folding, and implemented an MCMC based simulated annealing routine for the folding. The idea for the toy model came from a paper which studied a two-dimensional model. I generalized it to three dimensions and came up with the details of the modeling approach. Link to project report.

Bachelor’s thesis
This was my bachelor’s thesis project work, where the topic was to simulate a certain two-qubit gate for quantum computers and investigate how good it is. I think that the things learned while doing it have been useful even with my current studies and work, at least from the scientific computing and writing perspective. Link to the thesis.